Campaigns Overview
How to check campaign overview
DirectIQ allows you to send information about your marketing campaigns to a specific group of contacts. You can create three types of marketing campaigns: Regular, A/B, and Automation.
In order to see the list of campaigns you have created go to Campaigns -> Campaigns List.
There are the following lists:
All - all your active campaigns.
Draft/Paused - campaigns, that you have not finished creating or suspended.
Sent - already sent campaigns.
Scheduled - campaigns, that have not been sent yet, but with a configured schedule of sending.
Running - campaigns, that have started to be sent but have not yet finished.
Archived - deprecated campaigns, that are not used now.
On the Campaigns List page, you also can manage campaigns, view their type and status, check the performance of sent campaigns.
See also:
Filtering Campaigns
How To Set Up Campaign Recipients
How To Write A Good Subject Line
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