Reset Account Password

How to reset account password

Baris Ergin
Written by Baris ErginLast update 7 months ago

If you have forgotten your account password or are unable to login to your account

You can reset your account password.

In DirecIQ you can reset your password in two ways :

Reset password from account Settings Overview.

If you need to reset your password for security reasons you can do so clicking on

Settings > Edit Account Then enter your old password , the new password and the confirmation for the new password as described below:

Reset password from login page :

If you are unable to login or your password doesn't work you can reset your password clicking on Cant remember your password? Link on the login page then enter the email account you use for sign in and a password reset mail will be sent to you.

Note: The password reset mail is sent only to the email account associated with your DirectIQ profile.

See also:

How To Manage Account Information

How To Manage Email Sender Addresses

How To Upgrade/Downgrade Your Plan

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