DirectIQ Zapier Integration

How to setup a Directiq Integration in Zapier

Baris Ergin
Written by Baris ErginLast update 7 months ago

Now more than ever there are a higher percentage of activities that companies are moving online.

Most of the companies delegate more and more activities to third party online apps or services. With this often comes the need to be able to make those 2 services interact together through a “middleman” a platform that deals with the task of making services interact with each other.

DirectIQ Is building its integrations around customer needs, this is why we launched our integration with the well-known platform Zapier.

With the DirecIQ Zapier integration you will be able to Complete several tasks ( and more will be added continuously) and connect more apps together.

Basically Zapier allows you to choose a trigger and an action. The trigger is what causes the action to be performed for example a new campaign is sent (Trigger)

you receive an email in your email or you receive a notification in slack (Action).

To learn more about Zapier automations check

DirectIQ currently offers Triggers and Actions.

Below we are going to display available triggers and actions.


  • Campaigns Sent in DirectIQ this triggers when a campaign is sent.


  • Adding a new contact to a list of your choice whenever there is a trigger from another app for example: whenever you receive an new email in your inbox you add the recipient to a list.

Note: Zapier Integration Is continuously growing, other than the above Triggers and Actions we will be adding more for customers to use according to their needs.

See Also:

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Using Social Media Integration

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