Getting Started with Automations

How to get started using automation email campaigns

Baris Ergin
Written by Baris ErginLast update 9 months ago

We always hear stories on how a good business manager always delegate work to the right person but this is almost impossible in a "one man show".

From this need the automation tools took off aiding people to be able to run and track multiple tasks.

DirectIQ makes no exception, to help our customers maximize the platform benefits and make it easy to run multiple tasks we have introduced Automation Emails.

In automation emails you are able to set up specific rules for email sending that will make sure to deliver your emails in the day and time you desire either in a low-range time or for larger-range time campaigns.

The design as in all the system is very user-friendly and consolidated with help articles that will make your email interactions exceptional.

See also:

Automation: Education Series

Automation: Sales Pitch

Automation: Onboarding Series

Automation: Lead Nurturing

Automation: Recurring

Automation: Date Based

Automation: Welcome Email

Automation: Happy Birthday

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