Team Members

Team Members Feature Overview

Baris Ergin
Written by Baris ErginLast update 10 months ago

With The online business growing rapidly more and more work is being delegated to and delivered by teams composed of specialized people.

DirectIQ makes no exception, this is why we created the Team Members Feature

Team Members allow you to register and give to other people the possibility to access your account in different levels of access.

To See, Edit, or Add a team member Go to Settings Team Members.

There are 5 types of team members:

Viewer: Can Login to the account and is limited to only access campaign reports


Author: Can Login to the account and is limited to manage contacts, create template and send campaigns.

Manager: Has full account access but can not manage other Team Members or change payment plans.

Admin: Has full access but can not Delete The account.

Owner: The person who creates and owns the account.

To register a Team Member Go to Settings > My Team Then click on Add Team Member

The team member email address is required. Once you insert the email you have to click on the invite button, at that moment the team member receives an email confirmation where he will be asked to choose a password to access the account. (when you assign a role to a team member he will receive a notification email with the role change).

To Edit a Team member Go to settings > My Team Then click on the Edit button on the right side.

To Delete a team member Go to settings > My Team Then click on the 3 dotted menu and then click Delete.

See also:

Getting Started With DirectIQ

How To Change Your Plan

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