Getting Started with DirectIQ

Baris Ergin
Written by Baris ErginLast update 1 year ago

If you have a business that you promote by sending out marketing emails to your potential customers, then you probably know that the creation of email design, writing contact lists and sending emails takes a very long time. DirectIQ is created in order to simplify this difficult task for you. We offer you the following benefits:

  1. Convenient interface for importing contact list.

  2. Lots of ready-made templates that you can use to create your marketing emails.

  3. The ability to upload your ready-made templates.

  4. Creation of campaigns that will be sent according to your schedule.

  5. The ability to create automated campaigns.

  6. The ability to view various reports about sent campaigns.

Account Creation

To get started with DirectIQ go to and click Create an Account.

The Sign-Up page will open. Enter your email address and click Create Account.

At the next step you need to set up your password and optionally you can fill in your first and last names.

At the next two steps you can fill in your company and address information. You also can skip these steps and set up your information later on your account settings page.

After that, a verification email will be sent to your email address.

In order to start working with DirectIQ open this email and click Click to Verify.

After email verification Login page will be opened. Enter your email and password and click Login.

Upload Contact List

If you store your contact lists in Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) or Text (CSV, TXT) files, you can easily download them into DirectIQ. To do this go to Contacts -> Add Contact. Then select the first tab Upload List.

Step 1

In order to select files to download click on the large rectangle in the middle of the page or use drag and drop.

Important! Before downloading check, that the file format meets the system requirements. Read more about Accepted File Formats For Uploading Contacts.

Step 2

After downloading the file, you will automatically go to step 2. At this step, you need to match the column name with loaded data. At the top of each column, select the required name from the drop-down list.

You also can create a new field by clicking Add a new column in the drop-down list. In the opened dialog box, enter the name of the field, select the type, and set whether this field will be public. Then click Save and the new field will appear in the drop-down list.

You can exclude some columns from contacts by selecting Ignore this field from the drop-down. After all the column headers are selected, click Continue in the bottom right corner.

Step 3

Next, select the list to which new contacts will be added. You can create a new list by entering its name in the text box on the left side of the page or select an already existed one on the right side of the page to add contacts. After selecting the list click Save and Finish.

After creating contacts, a banner with a successful message will appear and the My Lists page will be opened.

Design a Template

DirectIQ has a large list of thematic templates, that you can choose, edit and use for your marketing campaign. To open it go to Templates -> Create Template and select the first tab Use Free Templates.

You will see a lot of templates from different usage categories. All templates are tagged. To quickly find the template you need, use our easy filter.

You can preview the template by clicking on it or on the eye in the bottom left corner of the template.

To edit the template click on Get This Template (and Edit) at the bottom of the preview window or click on the pencil at the bottom of the template. Drag and Drop Editor will open and you can edit your template. For more details read How To Use Drag And Drop Editor.

Create Regular Campaign

To create a Regular campaign go to Campaign -> Create Regular Campaign.

Step 1

In the dialog, that will open, fill in the campaign name on the left side. Optionally you can select tags from the drop-down list on the right side. Then click Save.

Step 2

In this step, you need to select campaign recipients. Please, read more about How To Set Up Campaign Recipients.

The default language of the campaign is English. You can change it to one of five other languages, available in the system, in this step. To do this select the language you want to use at the bottom of the dialog.

Step 3

Next, you need to set the sender's address and name. You can select an address from the drop-down list, which contains a list of all your verified senders or enter a new address. In the second case, the new address needs to be verified before you can continue. Read more about How To Manage Email Sender Addresses.

Step 4

To select the email template click on the rectangle on the left side of the dialog box.

Then hover over the template you want and click Choose.

A sketch of the template will appear instead of an empty rectangle. You can change the template by clicking on its image and selecting a new one.

In this step, you need also to fill in Subject Line. Optionally write preheader.

Step 5

In the end, you need to set up a date and time, when the campaign will be sent. if necessary, you can send it immediately after it is created.

After all the steps have been completed, check the information you entered. If necessary, you can change it by clicking the change button on the right next to the required step. If all the data is correct, finish creating the campaign by clicking You're Good to Go! Start Your Campaign.

Review reports

In order to see the detailed information and effectiveness of your marketing campaign, DirectIQ offers a lot of different reports. Go to Campaigns -> Campaigns List, select the campaign that has already been sent and click Reports at the right of the campaign card.

An Overview page with campaign detailed information open. Here you can see the campaign subject line, sender, delivered date and time, footer and form language, template. DirectIQ also allows to review campaign recipients, opens, clicks, unsubscribe contacts, spam complaints, hard bounces, opens by email clients, social, location, domains. To do this select the corresponding tab at the top of the page.

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